Substitute teaching can be a great way to earn extra income on your schedule. It is also helpful to improve your classroom skills as you try out different schools, grade levels, and teaching methods. Oftentimes, after proving your abilities, you could be offered a long-term substitute position or a full-time teaching job.
SUBSTITUTE | 2025 | Hours per Day | Per Hour |
TEACHER | $140.00 | 7.5 | $18.67 |
AIDE | $112.50 | 7.5 | $15.00 |
COOK | $105.00 | 7 | $15.00 |
CUSTODIAN | $120.00 | 8 | $15.00 |
BUS DRIVER | $85.00 | 4 | $21.25 |
MISC SUBS | $15.00 |
Substitutes play a vital role in the educational setting because they are able to take the place of a classroom teacher, classroom paraprofessional, or 1-1 aide when absent. Requirements differ for classroom teachers vs. paraprofessionals or 1-1 aides. Click on the "How do I become a Substitute" link below to see what you qualify for and how to apply.
Substitutes play an essential role within school districts. Due to the substitute teacher shortage, Illinois created the Short-Term Substitute (STS) license to assist districts with staffing classrooms.
1 | CREATE AN ACCOUNT | Create an account in the Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS). | |
2 | APPLY FOR LICENSURE | Apply for the applicable license in your ELIS account. | |
3 | SUBMIT TRANSCRIPTS* | A transcript is required for a Substitute License. A transcript is required for a Paraprofessional License if qualifying with college coursework. Request an official transcript from a regionally accredited institution. Transcripts must be sent directly from the college/university to ISBE. | EMAIL: OR Regional Office of Education/Intermediate Service Center OR Illinois State Board of Education Educator Effectiveness E-240 100 North First Street Springfield, IL 62777 |
4 | SUBMIT DIPLOMA AND TEST SCORES | Provide a copy of your high school diploma or its equivalent and your ETS Parapro or ACT WorkKeys score report. This is only a requirement for the Paraprofessional License if the applicant does not have the required college coursework. | EMAIL: |
* International transcripts must be evaluated by an ISBE-approved foreign credential evaluation service and sent directly from the evaluation service to ISBE.
Submit an application online in the Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS).
A $50 fee will be assessed electronically when the application is submitted (please have a credit card available).
Send an official* transcript to either address:
Illinois State Board of Education
Educator Licensure
100 N. 1st Street
Springfield, IL 62777
And other documentation to
*Note: To be official, transcripts must be submitted in the sealed envelope from the college or university or be sent directly by the institution. Transcripts received that are not in a sealed envelope from the university or sent directly from the university will be considered unofficial and cannot be used for evaluation purposes.
Once your license has been issued, please log into your ELIS account and pay the applicable registration fees. The license is not valid for employment until these fees are paid.