District #348 Preschool for All will be conducting Child Find/Preschool Screenings for children ages 3 to 5 on August 26th, 27th and 28th. The screening checks each child’s progress in hearing, vision, speech, language, and coordination skills. This will give parents a better idea of how their child is progressing at this very young age before they begin school. This screening program is free and parents will receive immediate feedback on how their child is developing. Head Start personnel will also be present to explain their program and services. The screening procedure takes about 45 minutes and appointments must be made so that children do not have a long wait period. CFC screening appointments for children ages 0-3 will be available on August 27th. Parents should call 618-262-4623 to make an appointment or to get more information.
5 months ago, Pam Oliver
Dental Safari will be doing dental exams for our students on September 3rd and 4th. If your child is in need of a dental exam and does not have a regular dental home or visit the dentist regularly this is an option to have your child seen by a dentist. This exam would complete the required dental exam for grades K, 2, 6, and 9. All students are welcome to participate. To complete the registration form please click the link provided. If you have any questions please feel free to call 618-262-5104 ext 112. Stephanie Kolb BSN, RN, PEL-CSN http://www.dentalsafariforms.com/
5 months ago, Stephanie Kolb RN, BSN, PEL-CSN
Parents and Students may now see their schedule/teacher(s) in the Skyward Student Portal. https://skyward.iscorp.com/WabashCMTY348ILStu
5 months ago, Kristi Berry
The 2024-2025 Golden Aces Extracurricular Adult Activity Passes are now available for purchase at the Wabash CUSD #348 District Office. 11 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Cash or Check only.
5 months ago, Tracee Bleyer
Activity Passes
The 2024-2025 online school registration for Wabash CUSD #348 is now OPEN! For more information, go to https://www.wabash348.com/page/registration. Please note schedules and teacher assignments are not available at this time. The first day of school is Friday, August 9, 2024.
5 months ago, Tracee Bleyer
2024 2025 School Registration
A temporary pedestrian gate at the bottom of Riverview Stadium has been established. This gate will be open during non-school hours so pedestrians can access the track.
5 months ago, Tracee Bleyer
Pedestrian Gate Entrance
Health Information: www.wabash348.com - Menu - Health information and guidelines
6 months ago, Stephanie Kolb RN, BSN, PEL-CSN
It's that time again, I hope you have enjoyed your summer!! This is a reminder that all registration portals for 2024-2025 school year will be locked if you have a student entering Kindergarten, 6th grade, 9th grade or 12th grade. The listed grade levels require health forms to be turned in prior to unlocking the registration portal. The Mt. Carmel Jr/Sr High School office will be open on Monday, July 22nd from 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM for those that need to drop off health forms. If you have already turned in your required forms then your portal will be unlocked. Registration portals for all other students will be unlocked on July 22nd. If you have any questions please call 618-262-5104 on July 22nd. Stephanie Kolb BSN, RN, PEL-CSN
6 months ago, Stephanie Kolb RN, BSN, PEL-CSN
District #348 teachers and friends had a great week serving for The Lunch Wagon, serving over 1,000 meals! Great job, Golden Aces!!
7 months ago, Tracee Bleyer
Teachers and friends serving for the Lunch Wagon
Teachers and friends serving for the Lunch Wagon
Teachers and friends serving for the Lunch Wagon
Teachers and friends serving for the Lunch Wagon
REMINDER—Tomorrow, May 22, 2024, is a 2-hour early dismissal and the last day of the 23-24 school year. Have a great summer break!
7 months ago, Tracee Bleyer
Summer Break
We invite you to take this opportunity to give feedback on how your child’s school is doing. We encourage you to participate in this anonymous survey and help improve Wabash CUSD #348 schools for our students. Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TF5NSB6
7 months ago, Jody Golden, Curriculum Secretary
QR Code for survey
Sorry for the late notice but there are openings after school until 4PM. Form must be submitted by 5PM this evening. If your child is planning to play a 7th grade sport then is is a great opportunity for you. Wabash General Hospital is proudly offering FREE sports physicals for the current 6th grade going into 7th grade student next school year. You would need to bring your child to MCHS main gym AFTER SCHOOL tomorrow. The following link allows you complete the waiver for consent to complete the physical at school as well as your child(ren)'s medical history for our medical providers to review. Link: https://form.jotform.com/241204626506045 Please complete the form in its entirety and hit SUBMIT at the bottom. You must hit SUBMIT to reserve your child(ren)'s spot on the 5/15/2024. Your completed form will be sent to WGH and will be printed off the day of physicals. If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Turner at sturner@wabashgeneral.com or Stephanie Kolb @ 618-262-5104 ext 1112.
7 months ago, Stephanie Kolb RN, BSN, PEL-CSN
https://form.jotform.com/241204626506045 FINAL NOTICE: If you have already submitted your form then you can disregard this notice. The deadline for form submission in 5PM this evening for the FREE Sports Physical be given by WGH staff. If there is a chance that your CURRENT 7th, 9th, 10th or 11th grade child will play sports this coming school year this is a great opportunity to get the mandatory physical completed.
7 months ago, Stephanie Kolb RN, BSN, PEL-CSN
To clear up any confusion regarding the FREE Sports Physicals, they will be completed during the school day in the MCHS gymnasium. The student will be pulled from their PE class or another class if needed. This is a great opportunity to take advantage of if your child plans to participate in any sport during the 2024-2025 school year. https://form.jotform.com/241204626506045
7 months ago, Stephanie Kolb RN, BSN, PEL-CSN
FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY TUESDAY EVENING AT 5PM FINAL REMINDER: Wabash General Hospital is proudly offering FREE sports physicals for the current 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th graders on Wednesday May 15th 8:00am-4:00pm. The following link allows you complete the waiver for consent to complete the physical at school as well as your child(ren)'s medical history for our medical providers to review. Link: https://form.jotform.com/241204626506045 Please complete the form in its entirety and hit SUBMIT at the bottom. You must hit SUBMIT to reserve your child(ren)'s spot on the 5/15/2024. Your completed form will be sent to WGH and will be printed off the day of physicals. If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Turner at sturner@wabashgeneral.com" or Stephanie Kolb @ 618-262-5104 ext 1112. If you have already submitted your forms then you are all set to go.
7 months ago, Stephanie Kolb RN, BSN, PEL-CSN
REMINDER: "Wabash General Hospital will proudly offer FREE sports physicals for the current 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th graders on Wednesday May 15th 8:00am-4:00pm. The following link allows you complete the waiver for consent to complete the physical at school as well as your child(ren)'s medical history for our medical providers to review. Link: https://form.jotform.com/241204626506045 Please complete the form in its entirety and hit SUBMIT at the bottom. You must hit SUBMIT to reserve your child(ren)'s spot on the 5/15/2024. Your completed form will be sent to WGH and will be printed off the day of physicals. If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Turner at sturner@wabashgeneral.com" or Stephanie Kolb @ 618-262-5104 ext 1112.
8 months ago, Stephanie Kolb RN, BSN, PEL-CSN
Physical and Dental Exam forms are being sent home with your 8th grade student today. These exams will need to be completed for the upcoming school year. The physical will need to be completed and turned in prior to open registration. Turn-in dates will be published at a later date. If you have difficulty finding a dentist to accept your insurance, Dental Safari will be seeing our students in September. If you have already turned your students forms in to the school then you can disregard this message. Thank you! Stephanie Kolb BSN, RN, PEL-CSN
8 months ago, Stephanie Kolb RN, BSN, PEL-CSN
Illinois will offer Summer EBT, or SUN BUCKS, the new grocery program for families with eligible school-aged children this summer. Households are encouraged to ensure that the enrolling school has your current mailing address. For more information, click here>>>>https://5il.co/2ksal<<<<.
8 months ago, Jody Golden, Curriculum Secretary
Sun Bucks
Don't let a tick make you sick. Fight the bite. See brochure for more information.
8 months ago, NURSE NEWS
Tick Flyer page 1
Tick Flyer page 2
Tick Flyer in Spanish page 1
Tick flyer in Spanish page 2
REMINDER: Dental exams are due by May 15th for your 9th grade student. This is a state mandated exam for 9th grade. Please have it completed ASAP. Thank you! Stephanie Kolb BSN, RN, PEL-CSN
8 months ago, Stephanie Kolb RN, BSN, PEL-CSN