MCGS Valentine’s Day Deliveries 2025-Parent Information
This year, Valentine’s Day will fall on a 3 hour early dismissal day. Many of our classroom teachers will be celebrating in their classrooms. We recognize that some parents/guardians want to send a gift to school for your student. While we highly encourage you to give your gift outside of school hours, MCGS will provide an opportunity for parents to either drop off or have an item delivered on Valentine’s Day. We ask that if you plan to personally drop off an item, please have it labeled with your child’s name, grade level and homeroom teacher and do so between 9- 10AM on February 14th. Note: All items delivered or dropped off will be picked up by your student at dismissal as they leave the building.
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the MCGS office at 262-5699. Thank you.