
2-Hour Dismissal - September 20, 2024

8:05 - 8:35 30 minutes 1st Period

8:39 - 9:09 30 minutes 2nd Period

9:13 - 9:43 30 minutes 3rd Period

9:47 - 10:17 30 minutes 4th Period

10:21 - 10:51 30 minutes 5th Period

10:55 - 11:25 30 minutes 6th Period

11:29 - 11:59 30 minutes 7th Period

12:03-12:38 Pep Session

Will call Students down by Intercom (Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, Freshmen) at noon. They will stay in their 7th-hour Classroom.

Pep Session will begin at 12:05 and last until 12:38 p.m.

Students will be released, and those who wish to participate in school lunch will be allowed to go to the cafeteria.