
Class of 2021 Honors Night and Graduation

Honors Night will be Friday, May 14th, at 7:00 PM in the MCHS Main Gym.  Graduates are required to attend if they plan to participate in the graduation ceremony.  We are not setting a specific limit on guests per graduate but we are asking families to be mindful of limiting attendance.  As with all indoor school events, all individuals must be masked.  This event will not be live-streamed.

Graduation is set to begin at 10:00 am on Saturday, May 15th, at Riverview Stadium..  

Parking for graduates and prearranged limited mobility guests will be at the football field lot. The lots adjacent to the SE corner of the school are reserved for district faculty and staff.  Graduates who requested handicapped seating upstairs will have a parking spot reserved in the SE corner of the "senior" lot.  All other guests may park in the “senior” parking lot off the NE corner of the school, the city streets, or in the lot on the east side of Golden Aces Way.  We ask that anyone who plans to enter from the bottom of the stadium not enter after 9:50 so that you do not interfere with the logistics of the ceremony.

Students will be seated in the lowest section of the stadium seats.  The “Gold Seats” will be reserved for District 348 faculty and staff.  Prearranged handicapped or limited mobility individuals will have reserved seating at the top of the stadium and also down on the track.  We kindly ask guests to not approach the graduate seating area or platform during the ceremony.

Professional photographs will be provided by Aly Mae Images who are contracted to be the exclusive photographers of the event.  The photographers will be set up and ready at 9:15 am to allow enough time to complete posed portraits before graduation.  Candid portraits will also be taken of the graduates receiving their diplomas.  Students/parents should register at the following link to receive a proof of the photographs.


The weather forecast is looking favorable for Graduation.  However, in the case of strong rain/storms, the ceremony will either be held at 7:00 PM on Saturday or 2:00 PM on Sunday.

The graduation ceremony will be live streamed and available at https://www.facebook.com/wabashdistrict348/.  If you miss the live stream, the video will be available on the district webpage at https://www.wabash348.com/o/mchs.