On Monday morning, March 3 all of the 5th-12th grade band students enjoyed a performance by the Indiana Wesleyan University Wind Ensemble in the HS auditorium. They performed a variety of excellent band literature for the students and also an honors brass quintet and percussion ensemble. The group features 2 MCHS alumni Elijah Sherman and Chase Dowdy who are both sophomores at IWU. One of the Wind Ensemble's directors, Michael Flannigan, also has ties to Mt. Carmel as he used to be the MCHS band/choir director in the mid 90s before moving to his university position.
After the concert, the junior high band performed their contest pieces and the IWU band directors worked with our students to help us improve and then the high school students also got a chance to work with the college directors on their concert band music. It was a great educational experience for all.