"It's that time of year again. The MCHS wrestling team will be offering a Preseason clinic for anyone interested in/planning on wrestling this season. This clinic is open to all Pre-K through 6th-grade students and will be held in the MCHS wrestling room on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in October.
Register by using the link below or register on the first day at the wrestling room.

MCES would like to thank the Eagles for hosting a suicide prevention and awareness fundraiser. We appreciate your help!

📸📸SCHOOL PICTURE DATES ARE SET! Mt. Carmel High School - September 4. Mt. Carmel Junior High School - September 5. Mt. Carmel Grade School - September 11. Mt. Carmel Elementary School Kindergarten and ECE - September 17. Mt. Carmel Elementary School 1st and 2nd Grades - September 18. A reminder will be sent out a few days before and the day before picture day. Picture order links can be found on the school websites. 📸📸 https://5il.co/2tmex

3"x5' Double-Sided Golden Aces outdoor flags are now available at the district office while supplies last! They can be purchased in the 348 Webstore/Spirit Shop at https://wabash348.revtrak.net/school-spirit/.

Thank you to our community partners for attending our Meet and Greet night. A big thank you to Wabash General Hospital and The First National Bank who helped us to welcome all of our students back in style!
Each year we depend on the kindness of our community partners to make our Caring Closet a reality - Thank you to Parkview Christian Church and Community Children's Impact for helping us meet the needs of our students!

Parents and Students may now see their schedule/teacher(s) in the Skyward Student Portal. https://skyward.iscorp.com/WabashCMTY348ILStu

Wabash CUSD #348 MEET & GREET is set for all school buildings on August 7, 2024, from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. https://5il.co/2rwn6

The 2024-2025 online school registration for Wabash CUSD #348 is now OPEN! For more information, go to https://www.wabash348.com/page/registration. Please note schedules and teacher assignments are not available at this time. The first day of school is Friday, August 9, 2024.

District #348 teachers and friends had a great week serving for The Lunch Wagon, serving over 1,000 meals! Great job, Golden Aces!!

REMINDER—Tomorrow, May 22, 2024, is a 2-hour early dismissal and the last day of the 23-24 school year. Have a great summer break!

We invite you to take this opportunity to give feedback on how your child’s school is doing. We encourage you to participate in this anonymous survey and help improve Wabash CUSD #348 schools for our students. Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TF5NSB6

Illinois will offer Summer EBT, or SUN BUCKS, the new grocery program for families with eligible school-aged children this summer. Households are encouraged to ensure that the enrolling school has your current mailing address. For more information, click here>>>>https://5il.co/2ksal<<<<.

MCES May Menu Changes: May 9: BBQ Riblet; May 14: Corn Dog; May 15: Ham Sandwich

May is Mental Health Month:
2nd grade students participated in a coloring contest to color their favorite feeling character from the movie Inside Out. Pictured with our "angry" feeling teacher, Mr. Aubrey, are the winners of our contest: Marlee Persinger and Lane Hughes

May is Mental Health Month:
MCES celebrated Inside Out Feeling dress up today for K and 2nd. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Gordon joined in the fun!
Next Friday, 1st grade can dress up in their favorite feeling character.

MCES would like to thank the MCHS Interact Club for being our Pen Pals this school year. As part of our Pen Pal Mentoring Program, these high school students wrote to our Pen Pal students each month all year.

MCES would like to thank our Lunch Buddy Program Mentors. This group of high school students came every week this year and mentored our students!

Attention Parents:

Reminder that there is no school for kindergartners on Monday due to screenings.

Don't let a tick make you sick. Fight the bite. See brochure for more information.