REMINDER—Tomorrow, May 22, 2024, is a 2-hour early dismissal and the last day of the 23-24 school year. Have a great summer break!
7 months ago, Tracee Bleyer
Summer Break
We invite you to take this opportunity to give feedback on how your child’s school is doing. We encourage you to participate in this anonymous survey and help improve Wabash CUSD #348 schools for our students. Survey Link:
7 months ago, Jody Golden, Curriculum Secretary
QR Code for survey
Illinois will offer Summer EBT, or SUN BUCKS, the new grocery program for families with eligible school-aged children this summer. Households are encouraged to ensure that the enrolling school has your current mailing address. For more information, click here>>>><<<<.
8 months ago, Jody Golden, Curriculum Secretary
Sun Bucks
MCES May Menu Changes: May 9: BBQ Riblet; May 14: Corn Dog; May 15: Ham Sandwich
8 months ago, Jake Newkirk
May is Mental Health Month: 2nd grade students participated in a coloring contest to color their favorite feeling character from the movie Inside Out. Pictured with our "angry" feeling teacher, Mr. Aubrey, are the winners of our contest: Marlee Persinger and Lane Hughes
8 months ago, Laura Taylor
May is Mental Health Month
May is Mental Health Month: MCES celebrated Inside Out Feeling dress up today for K and 2nd. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Gordon joined in the fun! Next Friday, 1st grade can dress up in their favorite feeling character.
8 months ago, Laura Taylor
May is Mental Health Month
MCES would like to thank the MCHS Interact Club for being our Pen Pals this school year. As part of our Pen Pal Mentoring Program, these high school students wrote to our Pen Pal students each month all year.
8 months ago, Laura Taylor
Interact Club
MCES would like to thank our Lunch Buddy Program Mentors. This group of high school students came every week this year and mentored our students!
8 months ago, Laura Taylor
2023-2024 Lunch Buddy Program
Attention Parents:
8 months ago, Laura Taylor
Food Distribution
Reminder that there is no school for kindergartners on Monday due to screenings.
8 months ago, Jake Newkirk
Don't let a tick make you sick. Fight the bite. See brochure for more information.
8 months ago, NURSE NEWS
Tick Flyer page 1
Tick Flyer page 2
Tick Flyer in Spanish page 1
Tick flyer in Spanish page 2
~~~MCES LUNCH MENU CHANGE~~~ Monday, March 11th, Sloppy Joe on Bun. Wednesday, March 13th, Cheeseburger on Bun. Thank you.
10 months ago, CAFETERIA NEWS
Attention Grandparents!
10 months ago, Laura Taylor
AOK Network
There will be no school for current kindergartners on Monday, April 22 or Monday, May 6 due to kindergarten screeners. All other district students will be in session.
10 months ago, Jake Newkirk
MCES will be conducting screenings for next year's kindergartners on Monday, April 22 and Monday, May 6. You may call the main office to sign up or for more information.
10 months ago, Jake Newkirk
Mt. Carmel Elementary School SPRING PICTURE DAY is coming soon! Wednesday, March 13th, for Kindergarten/ECE, and Thursday, March 14th, for 1st/2nd grade. Pre-School will be on Wednesday, April 3rd. Proofs will be online for ordering, so no money or form will be needed on picture day. A reminder message will be sent.
10 months ago, ALY MAE IMAGES
aly mae images spring portrait dates
Good morning, Last night, the School Board approved amending the school calendar to not be in session on April 8th, 2024. This is the date of the eclipse. Due to the excitement and mobilization of entire communities for this event, it became clear that it would be too difficult to be in session that day. To compensate for not being in session that day, the Board approved being in session on April 1st, 2024. April 1st was to be the last day of spring break, but now it will be an attendance day. I hope this change will be beneficial to all of you. Go Aces,
10 months ago, Dr. Chuck Bleyer
February is National Children's Dental Health Month. Mt. Carmel Elementary School would like to thank the staff of the Smile Center for teaching our students about dental care.
10 months ago, Laura Taylor
Smile Center
Smile Center
FREE Children's Orthopedic Clinic. Monday, March 11, 2024 - 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (By Appointment Only) Provided by Julko Fullop, Physician, and held at Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine, 1527 College Drive in Mt. Carmel. Call 1-800-272-0074 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to register. Sponsored by Illinois Elks Children's Care Corporation & Mt. Carmel Elks Lodge 715.
10 months ago, Tracee Bleyer
Free Ortho Clinic flyer
MCES Lunch Menu change for Friday, 2/9: BBQ Ribblet Sandwich instead of Chicken
11 months ago, Jake Newkirk